My Always List

I’m moving my always list to my online forum. It has been located at google groups but anyone who knows me also knows that I cannot stand google. From the email program to the groups it’s never been anything more than problems when using either of those. And these days most of the time when using the email at google all the messages end up in my spam folder by mistake. And what a pita it can be to have to sort through all your emails to find which is spam and which isn’t. I thought that’s what the spam folder was for. My mistake, lol.

Now, because I’ll be moving my always list to my forum (Taggers World) I will also be closing my google group on Sunday – May 19th, 2024 @ midnight EST. And because I had to re-install my forum along with all my other websites on my web server, anyone who was a member in the forum, in the past, will need to register all over again. All that information was located in the database and since I had to create a new database when I had to do a new install, all that previous  information was lost.

Also, I have brought back the MOTW activity for the forum and also reuploaded my online MOTW database. And that info was also wiped clean so if you want your info added to the MOTW database you’ll need to let me know all that information all over again. And I know this all sounds like a lot of work but most the work was already done by me with having to re-install everything back to my web server. Registration to the forum is instant and you’ll become a member right after you register to it. There is no waiting to confirm by email or anything like that. You’ll be able to start posting and requesting any tags that are offered asap.

Besides offering tags in the forum, I have also added a download area where members can upload (and download) sets of tag extras, blank tags, dotw tag sets, forum sets, a few AI graphics that I have made, tagger kits that I have made, cluster frames, etc… and all of these things are available to registered members ONLY. There are tag challenges once a week, tag tutorials and a few tag games which will usually be added on special occasions like Christmas, Halloween, etc…

Participation in the activities is not required but appreciated and some of these activities will offer prizes that you’ll be able to get just for playing along. Prizes like personalized tags, AI graphics, sets of tag extras, email stationery, etc… You never know what the prizes are until the activity starts.

And remember that as a member you can also add stuff to the download area that you have made. Stuff like tag extras, blank tags, AI graphics, cluster frames, etc… I really do hope you will join the forum and begin your journey with the rest of us. We are going to have so much fun in the forum and I would hate for you to miss any part of it!

Thanks for stopping by and hugs,

A few updates

So, my websites went down for awhile and they had to be added back because of some problems with my web host. Everything has been fixed and there should be no more problems in the future (hopefully). Another update I wanted to tell you about is my 2 forums. Taggers World forum has been reopened and if you were a member before you will need to reregister again. Like I said, ALL my sites had to be added back to my web hosting account. And lucky for me, I do have the files also on my computer so uploading all of them was no problem. HOWEVER, I had to reinstall wordpress here at this site and I had to do a new install for my 2 forums.

Now, the other forum I have added is for my Scrapbook Freebies website. And instead of me just uploading my freebies to the forum, I have decided to open it to everyone who wants to share any freebies that they have also made. And participation IS required in that forum. But don’t worry, lol. Posting an intro and even replying to comments will count as participation. And links to both these sites can be found in my sidebar to the right of this page.

Okay if you’re still here and still reading this I want to say THANK YOU for that, lol. The final updates I want to tell you about are my online groups. There have been some big changes lately in my online groups so hopefully you’ll be able to follow along while I try to explain it all to you, lol.

My groups at are being moved over to my google groups with the same names. The reason for this is because are going hard on closing down some groups that share tags and graphic stuff. A lot of psp (Paint Shop Pro) groups have been removed recently and some members from those groups are deciding to make a move also to google groups for that very reason.

And 2 of the groups I had at have been given over to Jeanine (a member of one of my groups) because she likes to share a lot and I thought she would be a better choice to take them over for that main reason. What some people don’t understand is that sharing in groups is what makes a group better for ALL the members of the group. Not only does it help take the burden off those who DO share all the time, but you get a better selection of stuff from other members when more people are sharing. All the links to my online groups have also been added to the sidebar on the right side of this page.

So, that pretty much does it for the updates that I wanted to tell you about. Oh, and I’ve also changed my Mod Girl Tags group at google groups into my Always List group. An always list is where you add all the names to a list (text file) and use that list to make tags for all your members.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by and hugs,

Meow tag by Mod Girl

Tag Show Off’s

I have been working on some new tags and thought I would share some previews of those with you today. And these tags will be (or already have been) sent to the members of my Always List group located HERE. Membership into the group is limited to the first 50 members who join. Right now there are 30 members and after it becomes full I will start a waiting list for members who want to join if a member decides to leave. Anyway, here’s those tags I was telling you about:

Thanks for stopping by and hugs!

Spring Blush Tag Tutorial

This is a pretty simple tag tutorial and should be easy to follow. However, you’ll need some experience using Paint Shop Pro.

Here’s the tag we’ll be making:

For this tag challenge you’ll need to download the parts of my Spring Blush kit HERE.

We’ll be using the following elements from this kit:

stk_spring-blush_ep11.png (flower)
stk_spring-blush_ep33.png (frame)
stk_spring-blush_ep23.png (foliage)
stk_spring-blush_ep36.png (foliage)
stk_spring-blush_ep37.png (pink denim pocket)

You’ll also need a photo (resized to fit inside frame).
The font I used can be downloaded from HERE.


I also added 2 pieces of Baby’s Breath foliage.
Adding the Baby’s Breath was a last minute decision but you don’t need it for this tutorial.
However, if you find some you might want to use it.
(FYI – I’ve looked for the Baby’s Breath on my computer but I can’t find it.)

Now let’s get started:

Open Paint Shop Pro.
Create a new layer that measures 800 x 800 pixels.
Open your frame (stk_spring-blush_ep33.png).
Copy and close frame.
Paste as new image.
Resize frame to 500 pixels in width and 269 pixels in height.
Select all and copy.
Close frame.
Paste into layer.
Rotate image left 90 degrees.
Select all and float.
Effects, 3d effects, and add a drop shadow; color #000000 (screen shot below).

Select none.
Create a new layer and move to bottom.
Open photo.
Copy and save as new image.
Resize photo to around 510 pixels in width.
Select all and copy.
Close image.
Paste into layer.
Move photo around until it lines up under the frame perfectly.
Create a new layer and move to top.
Open the pink denim pocket (tk_spring-blush_ep37.png).
Resize pocket to 50% in size.
Copy and close.
Paste pocket onto top layer.
Move pocket around so it sits nicely onto the right side of the frame.
Effects, 3d effects, and add a drop shadow; color #000000 (same as above screen shot).
Select none.

Create a new layer and move it below the pocket.
Open foliage element from the tagger kit and resize to 50
percent before adding to the layer.
Select all and copy.
Paste into layer.
Move foliage pieces around until you get them how you want them.
Effects, 3d effects, and add a drop shadow; color #000000 (same as above screen shot).
Select none.

Repeat this process for each piece of foliage.
Create a new layer and move it to top.
Open your flower and resize (35 percent for larger flower).
Select all and copy.
Paste into layer.
Move around flower until you have it where you want it.
Effects, 3d effects, and add a drop shadow; color #000000 (same as above screen shot).
Select none.

Open the same flower and resize (30 percent for smaller flower).
Select all and copy.
Paste into layer.
Move around flower until you have it where you want it.
Effects, 3d effects, and add a drop shadow; color #000000 (same as above screen shot).
Select none.

After you’ve got the tag the way you want it, MERGE down all layers.
Using your Magic Wand, click anywhere on the blank space outside of the frame (screen shot below):

Image, crop to selection.
From here, you can add any text you want to your tag.
Save your tag.
You’re done!